Business Consultants In Windermere Cumbria UK

How I work from vision to realisation
Your challenge:
Do you have a goal, a plan, a project, or a programme which is struggling?
Are dates moving?
Are costs rising?
Are you frustrated, overwhelmed, unclear, discouraged?
Are you or your team stretched and demotivated?
Have you lost sight of the original objectives?
Do you need help to achieve your goals?
My experience:
I have a long history of successfully delivering large projects & programmes for large organisations - a good number of these were struggling or broken
I have coached teams and individuals to success over decades
Together the teams I have led have gone on to deliver difficult, innovative, and complex work
I have a tried and trusted methodology and employ empathy, honesty, and pragmatism
I use coaching techniques to get to the root of the issue and the same to help the individuals within the team
The solution:
We will have an initial conversation during which we will determine your needs and what that might look like in terms of the help you need
We will work quickly and together will determine the timeline to get you back on track
We will start with basics: the purpose, vision, the mission, the plan - the why, how, what, who and when
We will review any plans
We will review the problem areas
We will take you and your team with us on the journey
Wherever possible we will use the outdoors to facilitate this process
We will adopt suitable governance to ensure you remain on plan and on track
The outcome:​
Using coaching techniques, together we will determine a plan to resolve the issues we identify
Using coaching techniques, together we will get your goals, your project, or your change back on plan
I will leave you with a revised plan along with any other changes we deem necessary to the approach
We will determine periodic reviews where necessary
Together we will articulate and subsequently realise your vision
The offers and the costs
Get in touch now to discuss further how we can reset your delivery and get you back on track